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The Economic Toll of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Predicted Job Losses in the US

The Economic Toll of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Predicted Job Losses in the US

A recent report from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has painted a grim picture of the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic in the United States. According to the report released on April 1, nearly 20 million American workers could find themselves unemployed by July as a direct result of the ongoing crisis.

Economic Projections and Job Loss Estimates

The EPI report referenced a prediction by Goldman Sachs, forecasting a staggering 34% contraction in the US economy during the second quarter of the year. Based on this projection, Senior Economic Analyst David Cooper and State Economic Analyst Julia Wolfe projected that the job losses could reach 19.8 million by July, driving unemployment rates across the country into the mid-teens.

Escalating Job Loss Estimates

The severity of the job loss estimates has escalated rapidly in recent weeks. Just one week prior to the EPI report, the institute had estimated 14 million job losses. Two weeks earlier, the estimate stood at three million job losses, underscoring the rapidly deteriorating economic landscape.

Impact of Pandemic Measures

The implementation of stringent measures to curb the spread of the virus has dealt a significant blow to businesses across various sectors. Mandates such as shutdowns of restaurants and bars, stay-at-home orders, and travel restrictions have led to mass layoffs and furloughs, exacerbating the economic downturn.

Unprecedented Unemployment Claims

The surge in unemployment claims is indicative of the scale of the crisis. A record 6.6 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the week ending March 28, doubling the previous week’s record. The widespread layoffs and business closures have reverberated throughout the economy, leading to unprecedented levels of joblessness.

Bleak Economic Outlook

A report by Bank of America economists paints a bleak economic outlook, forecasting a contraction in the US economy for three consecutive quarters. Economist Michelle Meyer predicts a cumulative GDP decline of 10.4% and warns that the unemployment rate could soar as high as 15.6%, making it the deepest recession on record.


As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc on economies worldwide, the looming threat of mass unemployment underscores the urgent need for robust policy responses and support measures to mitigate the economic fallout. The road to recovery will be long and challenging, requiring concerted efforts from governments, businesses, and communities to rebuild and restore economic stability.

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