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Stranded Crew of Ship That Crashed into Baltimore Bridge Faces Lengthy Wait

Challenging Situation After Collision

The crew of the container ship Dali, which collided with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, finds themselves in a challenging situation as they remain stranded on the vessel, according to recent reports. The incident, which occurred five days ago, resulted in the collapse of a portion of the bridge into the Patapsco River, claiming the lives of six construction workers. Despite the crew’s escape from harm during the collision, they have been unable to leave the ship. As per The New York Times, they are expected to remain on board for weeks until enough debris is cleared to free the vessel.

Rapid Response and Ongoing Salvage Operations

The crew, consisting of 22 Indian nationals, played a crucial role in alerting authorities promptly after the ship lost power, potentially averting further casualties by redirecting traffic away from the bridge. While they await rescue, salvage crews are diligently working to remove debris from the water using cranes. Maryland Governor Wes Moore informed that efforts are underway to cut sections of the collapsed bridge into smaller pieces to facilitate its removal, enabling other vessels to access the site.

Sustaining Operations and Planning for Crew Replacement

Chris James, representing Synergy Marine, the ship’s management company, assured that the crew has an ample supply of food, water, and fuel to sustain the ship’s operations. Once the ongoing investigations by the National Transportation Safety Board and the Coast Guard conclude, plans will be made to potentially replace the crew and arrange for their return home.

Innovative Communication Strategies

To maintain communication with the crew members, who lack consistent internet access, onshore personnel have devised innovative methods. Joshua Messick, from the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center, provided the crew with WiFi hot spots and delivered a letter to the captain through another vessel. Despite the challenging circumstances, reports indicate that the crew members are coping well, with some describing their condition as “good” to “great.”

Background of the Incident

The Dali, owned by Grace Ocean and chartered by Maersk, was en route to Colombo, Sri Lanka, carrying 4,700 shipping containers when the collision occurred. As salvage operations continue and investigations progress, efforts remain focused on ensuring the safety and well-being of the stranded crew members awaiting rescue from their predicament.

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