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From Crime Scenes to Pandemic Cleanup: The Evolution of Spaulding Decon

From Crime Scenes to Pandemic Cleanup: The Evolution of Spaulding Decon

The Origins: A Trauma Cleaner’s Journey

Laura Spaulding’s foray into the world of trauma cleaning began unexpectedly. As a Kansas City police officer in 2005, she received a call on Christmas Day that would change the trajectory of her career. Tasked with cleaning a crime scene involving a tragic family incident, Spaulding embarked on a challenging cleanup mission that ignited her passion for restoring order to chaos.

The Birth of Spaulding Decon

Driven by a desire to offer specialized cleanup services, Spaulding founded her own crime scene cleanup business, Spaulding Decon, as a one-woman operation. Armed with determination and resourcefulness, she tackled gruesome cleanup tasks, from suicides to meth lab busts, with unwavering resolve.

Expansion and Diversification

What started as a modest side hustle soon burgeoned into a thriving enterprise. Spaulding’s willingness to diversify her services, encompassing crime scene cleanup, extreme hoarding remediation, and mold removal, positioned Spaulding Decon as a comprehensive solution for clients grappling with traumatic situations.

Franchise Model and Nationwide Reach

Recognizing the growing demand for specialized cleanup services, Spaulding seized the opportunity to franchise her business model. With 24 franchises across the country, Spaulding Decon has cemented its status as a leader in biohazard remediation, catering to diverse clientele, including homeowners, businesses, and government agencies.

Recession-Resistant Business Model

Unlike many industries susceptible to economic fluctuations, Spaulding Decon has demonstrated resilience in the face of economic downturns. The indispensable nature of trauma cleanup services ensures a steady stream of demand, providing job security for Spaulding’s franchisees and employees alike.

Embracing Digital Media: From Trauma Queen to Online Sensation

In a bold move to demystify her work and engage with a wider audience, Spaulding leveraged digital media to showcase the reality of trauma cleaning. Through a compelling YouTube series and an engaging social media presence, Spaulding Decon transformed into an online sensation, garnering widespread recognition and fostering a supportive community.

Lessons Learned and Ongoing Growth

Spaulding’s journey to success has been marked by resilience, determination, and a willingness to learn from challenges. Despite encountering setbacks and obstacles along the way, she remains steadfast in her commitment to excellence and empathy. As Spaulding Decon continues to expand its reach and impact, it serves as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and compassion in business.

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